7 Lessons to Help You Create the Life You Desire
By Artist Derek Russell
Welcome & Thanks for Stopping By
One of the biggest things that triggers my happiness is my ability to inspire you. So I've decided to start writing more and share with you the secrets I have learned over the past 10 years of successfully creating the life I desire. I'll open up and share pivotal moments in my life that have shaped who I am today. I'll offer first hand knowledge and tips in a fun and adventurous style - written poetically to trigger your senses.
From learning how to achieve those dreams you desire to traveling the world on your own time to sculpting the body you have always wanted to beyond. I'll share with you the keys for ultimate success. Read these blogs and learn how you too can become a great success - while living the life you have always imagined.
Photo courtesy of Kara McKeton
Life is a game, so let's have some fun. I know you will be glad you did.
There is so much I want to share with you -
And I'm so excited to finally begin this with you. I've been writing for a few years now, and every now and then I would post an article. A good friend of mine told me it was a great way for me to build an audience. Sounds good to me I thought - but the trouble is what do I write about? And so while this great advice is available to me, I didn't act. For me, I needed to feel it from within me before I could actually begin. I've learned that the answer will always present itself - it is just a matter of being open to it and being ready to hear it...And when I finally heard it, I knew it was my time.
I'm a very visual person. You might be too. I've always been someone who just needs to see things to get a good feel for them. So until I felt the deep desire to express myself through words, writing was always a chore. And it really stressed me out. I guess this is when I tell you, I'm a perfectionist. And I hate being wrong!
But I'm learning the hidden blessings of being wrong and learning from them. And it makes a world of a difference. I finally feel alive. And me. And it feels so good.
And with writing, it's probably because I never knew the tricks to writing. All I knew was what I had learned. And what I had learned was technical report writing. I suffered for years from headaches and migraines. I spent countless hours trying to perfect each word to be right. Because I wanted to succeed. And I felt in order to succeed I needed to get good grades. And I struggled to find my inner peace.
But the transition from technical report writing to creative, self-development writing, has been wonderful!
I have a degree in Civil Engineering from the University of New Hampshire. The structural engineering program there was top notch. And with that came the internal need I felt to be precise, accurate, and analytical. Which I could do. But I saw it as something I had to fill to accomplish a set objective. And that objective was to excel in my studies because I knew I could get a good paying job afterwards. So I dedicated myself to learning and applying my skills to best tackle this desire. And I graduated top of my engineering class. You'll want to hear these important lessons it taught me:
: To step outside my comfort zone - and know I will be okay
: To think critically and creatively - and see obstacles as opportunities
: To know there is more to life than getting good grades & a good job - HECK, there is an entire world out there to explore. By the way, when asked during my first big "real job" interview what my favorite class was during college, my answer - scuba diving. Finally something I could connect with naturally rather than something I had to force.
: That being right is not always the best choice - when you release the need to be right you open up to the beauty of life
: To let go of the need to be perfect - and truly feel alive and free to express myself
: To trust that I could do anything I wanted too - all I need to do is believe
: To do what makes me feel good - why force things when I can go with the flow and accomplish so much more
Thanks again for stopping in,
Cheers to living a life that really ROCKS!