i choose to learn
a pivotal decision came to me about a month ago when i decided, again, that i was finally going to immerse myself in learning.
i love learning. i've loved it for the longest time, however i never liked the approach taught in schools. i hated to memorize. i hated to be forced to learn certain material in a certain way. and all so that a teacher could "test" you on your understanding of the material. heck it's only the material that someone else wanted you to know.
wouldn't it be great if you had the choice to learn what interested you?
i'm here to tell you, you do.
pick up that book you have been wanting to read. order that audio program you have been thinking about. you deserve it. you deserve to grow. it is your birthright.
i am committed to learning.
soaring high atop Mount Chocorua
when i was younger, i had "friends" that would tease me about learning. and because i was not confident in myself at this time in my development, i listened to them.
i only learned what i needed to learn based on what the teachers wanted me to know. i learned for the sake of grades alone. not because i was interested in the material.
and that's an important consideration to make. what excites you?
now I'm learning because i want to. i have linked an incredible amount of pleasure to learning. and this creation of pleasure feels good to me. and guess what else it does for me? it make me want to learn even more.
when i was younger i dabbled into personal development, mindfulness, the metaphysical and alternative healing modalities. it intrigued me. it excited me. somewhere along the lines, i told myself i could never make anything of it, so i stopped learning what i wanted and only focused on what others wanted me to learn.
i am thankful for this opportunity right now. it's time to stop feeling sorry for myself. it's time to stop worrying what others will think. it's time to do what feels right to me.
if i can understand human behavior, the emotions associated with that particular behavior and how to change that developed pattern, i could greatly change my life. i could create the life of my dreams. and this is what i did.
learning is giving me the ability to create the physical body i choose, to feel better, to experience happiness, to inspire and connect with the people i care about, to marry my twin flame, to live in my dream home + more.
learning is a gift i can share with you. and I'm committed to it.
i'm on a transformational journey. i love the emotions that are running through me as i write.
empowerment. excitement. joy. love
i am blessed to share my life with my wife.
and it all came back to applying the strategies around making a difference in peoples lives. there are tools and strategies that when applied correctly can massively affect positive change in your life. i am living, breathing testament to it.