let art out, let love in
as i sit here, i'm at a crossroads.
i'm blank.
and this is a strange for me. confusion.
is there something wrong with me?
am i really doing the right thing?
my soul reminds me, just ask.
immediately, my mind shouts back, NO! it won't work. don't do it. you will fail. you must work harder, fight more, and bear more pain.
no, no i don't, i finally admit to myself. you are an instrument for me to express my soul. i am not an instrument for you to manipulate any longer.
my soul backs me up, your mind will try to fight you when you try something new. you no longer need to let that thought that is created within your mind that was created from your past conditioning shape how you behave today in this moment.
you have an enormous power within you. you are meant for great things. and this is all part of your journey. it is all part of your understanding. when you see what others call problems as opportunities you shift. you shift your life to one of truth and abundance.
the choice is always yours.
you can choose to give up and feel unworthy, or you can stand up and embrace your divinity. your birthright. your passion.
your mind is a powerful tool. and with any powerful tool, you need to train it. you need to learn what works for you.
don't scold yourself. this is common and all part of your healing. you asked for guidance. and i'm here to give it to you.
your mind is programmed to behave a certain way. what you need to do is get at the root of that programming and change the program.
“God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change the things I can,
And the wisdom to know the difference.
so i guide you to ask for guidance. ask for direction and be ready for the next breakthrough that is coming directly to you. be an instrument of love. flow with the natural rhythm of life and your world will unfold beautifully before your very eyes.
and then it hits me.
let art out + let love in.
yes! inspiration with meaning, channeled from my soul.